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Legal Research Analysis and Writing Help Online

Completing legal research can be intimidating, especially if it is a foreign concept to you. This is why seeking out online help is critical to your success.

Online Books

There are many books available for purchase that explain how to go about doing legal research. A simple Google search can pop up all kinds of options from well known book suppliers for you to peruse. Although this option requires a cost, the value of the time you may save is priceless in comparison. If time is your concern - for instance, perhaps you do not have 5 business days to wait for the proper book to arrive, and do not have the cash for overnight delivery - an additional option is to seek out proper Ebooks on the topic. Ebooks allow the reader instant digital access, and are often less costly.

Hire a Legal Writing Expert

In addition to reading good literature, there are many experts in the legal field willing to offer their services personally through online mediums. The level of the experts varies, as does their prices, accordingly. For instance, you can hire law students who are looking to build experience, and they charge considerably less than an actual practicing attorney. There is also a median range of fairly newer professionals, also seeking to gain experience, who can provide assistance with anything from legal research, to proofreading, to completing legal documents. There are professionals who are attorneys, and others who simply have years worth of experience in the legal world as legal officers or legal translators, and thus have an understanding for the items necessary for a well supported legal document, without the accreditation of a true lawyer. Depending on the project, you may find some of these professionals not useful to you, or the ones who might be useful to be too costly for your budget. However, with the number of websites available offering these services, you are sure to find a professional who can offer you the services you require within your price range.

Writing Coaches

Consider, also, hiring a writing coach. Just like with purchasing books, these services may be completely worth the money when you consider the time a writing coach could save you in the long run, allowing you to quickly move on to your next assignments. If you are a member of a college of law, chances are that you have access to a writing center at your university. Depending on the size and caliber of your school, these people may even have specialists in writing and researching for legal essays. These are often staffed positions by the university, and sometimes their services may be included in the cost of your tuition. You may already be paying for a writing coach, so it would be negligent to not at least look into these types of services offered at your school and see if they are worth pursuing. At some schools, these positions are staffed by upper level students, but at some, they are staffed by professors looking to earn a little extra cash. If you belong to an institution that has a special writing center for law students staffed by law professionals, this may be the pot of gold you have been looking for.


Librarians are also a highly underutilized resource. Although it may seem archaic to go to an actual library (rather than just utilizing online sources), many times librarians have a vast knowledge about not only which resources to use for such essays, but how to complete them. They may even be able to offer you books about how to complete legal research successfully. Sometimes they can even help you search online articles and databases that you did not know existed, and they are there to offer their one-on-one personal attention and support to help you find the research you seek.

Utilizing any of the above-mentioned resources will drastically help you save time as you tackle your legal research and analysis. With any option, consider the cost, the potential time saved, and weigh your options to discover the best one for you.

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